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Australian Electric Vehicle Association - Adelaide Branch
MEETINGS - Archive 2018

Activities in 2018 ...

December, 2018
No General Meeting this month

November 21, 2018 - Minutes

Guest Speaker - Senator Tim Storer
 "Senate inquiry into Electric Vehicles"

Members will have access to the video of 
this presentation on the Members' Page 
- coming soon.

October 17, 2018 - Minutes

Guest Speakers - 
Hoang Pham, Cameron Nolan and Joshua Kade from the Uni SA Motorsport group. "Uni SA EV project"

Members will have access to the video of 
this presentation on the Members' Page 
- coming soon.

September 19, 2018 - Minutes

Guest Speaker: Peter Nattrass from the City of Adelaide council. Accompanied by Tania Roe
"To discuss the new charging locations around the city as well as parking systems and payment options."

Members will have access to the video of 
Peter's presentation on the Members' Page 
- coming soon.

August 15, 2018 - Minutes

Guest Speaker: Phil Gell from GELCOservices 
    (AEVA Corporate member) 
ooking after EV batteries"

Members will have access to the video of 
Phil's presentation on the Members' Page 
- coming soon.

July 18, 2018 - Minutes Note: These minutes include the AGM minutes.

Guest Speaker: Ashley Gaghan 
     from Nu Gen Power and Storage
     "Yorke Peninsular Charging Stations"

Members have access to the video of 
Ashley's presentation on the Members' Page

June 20, 2018 - Minutes

Guest Speaker: 
Chris Selwood 
   "Darwin to Adelaide Solar Race"

Members have access to the video of 
Chris' presentation on the Members' Page

May 16, 2018 - Minutes

Guest Speaker: Geoff Lobban 
  from Design Ecology, 
   "The greenhouse and economic benefits of   
     electric vehicles"
(Design Ecology is an AEVA Corporate Member)

Members have access to the video of Geoff's presentation on the Members' Page

April 18, 2018 - Minutes

Guest Speaker: Bruce Tonkin
"EVs and the Media"

Members have access to the video of Bruce's presentation on the Members' Page.

March 21, 2018 - Minutes

Guest Speaker: Bob Gell - GELCOservices 
  (AEVA Corporate Member)
  "The Electric Vehicle Symposium EVS-30 

Members have access to the video of Bob's presentation on the Members' Page.

February 21, 2018 - Minutes

Guest Speaker: Mark Ready from  
    TAFESA and Tony Holland (retired TAFESA)  
    "Cruiser class solar car"

Members have access to the video of Mark & Tony's presentation on the Members' Page.

January 17, 2018 - Minutes

 Speaker: Due to Eric's "technical difficulties", our planned topic "EVs and the Media" by Bruce Tonkin has been postponed to the April meeting.
We watched a FullyCharged video 
"Barriers to EV Adoption" which was very good.

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