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Australian Electric Vehicle Association - Adelaide Branch
MEETINGS - Archive 2013

Activities in 2013 ...

December 201
3 - No Meeting

November 20, 2013 - Minutes
- Guest Speaker:
Simon Mclean from GM Holden Ltd.
Speaking to us about and showing us the Holden VOLT - Extended Range Electric Vehicle.
Thanks to City Holden for the loan of the VOLT.

October 16, 2013 - Minutes
- Guest Speaker:
    Bob Gell from GELCOservices
    "The basics of CAN Bus and how it relates to
     modern equipment in EVs" plus a report from

September 18, 2013 - Minutes
- Guest Speaker - Jeff Pickett
 "Heating and Cooling your EV"

August 21, 2013 - Minutes
- Guest Speaker - Edward Booth
"Racing your Gopher!"

July 17, 2013 - Minutes
- Guest Speaker - Eric Rodda
"The Sound of the Electric Vehicle" 
The Adelaide Branch AGM was held at this meeting - see minutes.

June 19, 2013 - Minutes
-Guest Speaker - Alan Whitaker from Vehicle Standards, Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure
Subject: "Vehicle standards relating to converted EVs and what "Regency" expects."

May 15, 2013 - Minutes
- Guest Speaker: Terry Stocker spoke about and demonstrated... 
"What goes on inside a DC Controller"

April 17, 2013 - Minutes
- Guest Speaker: Andrew Dickson and members of Team Trev.

"African Solar Taxi"

Team TREV's  latest project is to design and build three solar-powered vehicles that will be used in rural Zimbabwe to provide transport to hospital for pregnant women. Come and hear about our trip to Zimbabwe, the design challenges, our ideas, and get involved.

March 20, 2013 - Minutes
- Terry Stocker's talk "What goes on inside a DC Controller" has been deferred to a later date due to illness.
This meeting was a Q&A night with member conversion reports.

February 20, 2013 - Minutes
- Guest Speaker: Chris Hickey spoke about and demonstrated AC motors & controllers and their

January 16, 2013 - Minutes
 - Guest Speaker - Mark Whyte from Mitsubishi Australia - "Mitsubishi's EV Experience and Future Direction"

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