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Australian Electric Vehicle Association - Adelaide Branch
MEETINGS - Archive 2015

Activities in 2015 ...

December 18, 2015 - No meeting

November 18, 2015 - Minutes

Guest Speaker:

Damian Paull from Adelaide BMW
"i-series Electric Vehicles"
with an i8 on display.

October 21, 2015 - Minutes

Guest Speaker:

Ray Hammat from Hammat Precision Engineering
"Engineering Challenges in an EV Conversion"

Members have access to the video of this presentation on the Members' Page.

September 16, 2015 - Minutes

Guest Speaker:

Alan Whitaker (DPTI) Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure SA
“The Jetsons are coming”

Members have access to the video of this presentation on the Members' Page.

August 19, 2015 - Minutes

Guest Speakers:

     a) Eric Rodda - National Science Week Presentation:
"The Science of Electric Vehicle Conversion"

      b) John Lindsay - "J1772 plus..."


Members have access to the videos of these presentations on the Members' Page.

July 15, 2015 - Minutes, AGM Minutes

The Adelaide AGM was held at this meeting.

Guest Speaker:

     Bob Gell - "Battery Technologies"

Members have access to the video of this presentation on the Members' Page.

June 17, 2015 - Minutes

Guest Speakers:
     Eric Rodda - "Prius conversion to make it 'Plug-in'."
Richard Giles - "Report of his Asian trip."

Members have access to the videos of these presentations on the Members' Page.

May 20, 2015 - Minutes

Guest Speakers:
Jan Minck
- Batteries for your EV
Mike Eisenblatter - Batteries for your home

Members have access to the videos of these presentations on the Members' Page.

April 15, 2015 - Minutes

Guest Speaker:
- David Holden - "Self constructed Retro style electric bicycle."






More photos available here,
thanks to Peter Burke.

Members have access to the video of this presentation on the Members' Page.

March 18, 2015 - Minutes

Guest Speaker:
- Michael Smyth - "D
eveloping and commercialising a BEV derivative of Normet's underground mining vehicles in South Australia."

Members will soon have access to the video of this presentation on the Members' Page.

February 18, 2015 - Minutes
- Guest Speakers:
  -  Bob Gell - "Battery Discharge Curve."

  - John Montz -
    "Electric Houseboat - the 2000km journey
     down the Murray to Goolwa"

A PDF is now available from John Montz with information about his electric houseboat. Here

January 21, 2015 - Minutes
Guest Speaker: Simon Hackett
"Tesla Model S"  Simon showed us and spoke about this new electric masterpiece.

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